Tuesday, July 30, 2013

7/30/13 Tuesday tricep/chest

Uh crazy day yesterday. Pretty good diet just way too much ECF and not enough sleep. Skipped leg day, calves are killing me for some reason.

Today: 1 hour tanning, 1 square, 2400 calories of Burger King, gym.

Skipped cardio, calves
Chest flies: 3*10@135
With arms slightly in, easier on rotator cuffs
Tricep extension : 3*8@70

Abs: 3*10 off bosu

Sunday, July 28, 2013

7/28/13 Sunday

3:00 AM
4 smores. So worth it

9:30 AM
ECF stack

6:30 PM
ECF stack

Saturday, July 27, 2013

7/27/13 Saturday

12:30 AM
4 wings(300 calories)
2 big slices of pizza, 600 calories. Yikes!

1:30 PM
ECF stack

3:30 PM
1 square

Friday, July 26, 2013

7/26/13 Friday biceps/back

12:15 AM
1,800 calories of Taco Bell. Hey I only ate 500-600 yesterday! ...And I was out of cooked food.

7:30 AM
ECF stack

1:30 PM
ECF stack

5:00 PM
Rest of the taco bell, 800 calories.

7:00 PM
Cardio 1.1% incline, 3.9 mph, 20 minutes final heart rate 146 but I was marching to the beat which made it skyrocket, was a steady 141 prior.

Pullups :9,7,7(+1 rep)
Had to do them from the high grips, jumping up there takes a serious toll on reps in my experience.

Face pulls :3*10@95

Reverse db curls : 3*10@20s(+1 set)

Thursday, July 25, 2013

7/25/13 Thursday(no lifting)

11:30 AM
ECF stack

6:15 PM
ECF stack
1 square

Went to the dentist for a cleaning today. Feels awesome, didn't do as good of a job as the last place but that's what you pay for when it's free healthcare. They used the metal hook the entire time, the good dentists use a sonic or ultrasonic cleaner.

Scheduled to get my wisdom teeth out on the 9th, two weeks from tomorrow. Really excited. They said two or four, I'm going to push like hell for all four. Luckily I have a cavity(first one in 27 years!) in my bottom wisdom tooth(soon to be none in 27 years!) so if they try to only do the top ones, which is standard, I'll point that out.

Really excited for this.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

7/24/13 Wednesday


2:15 AM
bigass bowl of SMACKS cereal. So good. Can't be more than 500 calories, right? Skim milk ftw

2:00 PM
ECF stack

4:00 PM
1 square

10:30 PM
1 square

11:30 PM
some peanut butter, probably 400 calories worth? idk

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

7/23/13 Tuesday triceps/chest

8:15 AM
ECF stack

1:30 PM
ECF stack

7:15 PM
Just weighed in at 181.9 after two weigh-ins on my digital scale. Empty as hell, but still!

Going to gym now.

8:00 gym

1 square

1 square

Cardio: 20 minutes 1.1% incline 3.9 mph final heart rate 138. (down 2 bpm)

Tricep machine: 4x10@65s
chest fly machine: 160:10,8  130: 8,8

Wow, pretty happy, but going to the chest fly machine certainly humbled me. Doing 135 next time.

Monday, July 22, 2013

7/22/13 Monday legs

12:30 PM
ECF stack

5:00 PM
1 square

7:00 PM

1 square

Cardio 1.1% incline 3.9 mph 20 minutes final heart rate 140.nice!
Quad curls : 70 lbs/side: 10,10,9,8
Seated calf raises : 4x10@90 lbs
Abs: 3x8 off bosu ball
Abductors : 4x10@175
Hamstring curls : 3x10@110

Saturday, July 20, 2013

12:00 PM
Hour of tanning

2:00 PM
ECF stack

Friday, July 19, 2013


2:00 AM
1 square

8:00 AM
ECF stack

Man, I got 4.5 hours of sleep last night, AGAIN. Going to to shoot for yesterday's workout(bicep/back) and today's(delts) with some ab and cardio work thrown in.

2:00 PM
ECF stack

5:00 PM

7:00 PM
McDonald's grilled chicken sandwiches, 1 club, 1 ranch BLT. Really not bad at all.
950 calories
300 calories from fat(32%)
344 from carbs(36%)
306 from protein(32%)

11:30 PM
280 calories worth of Chunky Soup. aka 2 cans. aka lol ripoff. Still, can't beat no effort.

Cardio, biceps, back, deltoids

No headphones
3 min, 3.3% incline 4.8 mph, 176bpm
Lol wow

Pullups : 9,9,4

Reverse db curl: 2x10@20s

I feel like puking so badly.

Deltoid front raises 2x10@15s
Side raises: 2x10@10s
The end.

Seems like working out on no sleep, no food, no water, and a decent amount of uppers is probably not a great idea.

Thursday, July 18, 2013


2:00 AM
1 square

Four hours of sleep

10:00 AM

8:00 PM
1 square

slept, groggy, dead

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


uh... blurry day pretty sure

5:00 PM
ECF stack

6:00 PM
1 square

7:00 PM
Cardio :20 minutes 1.1% incline, 3.9 mph final heart rate 149 bpm
Seated calf push outs : 3x10@180
Quad curls : 4x10@70s
Hamstring curls: 4x10@105

This is a nice improvement over last leg day.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


2:00 AM
bigass bowl of Frosted Mini Wheats

12:00 PM
ECF stack

1:00 PM
1 hour tanning

5:15 PM
ECF stack, 1 big ham sandwich on some really healthy whole wheat nonsense with lots of spinach and hummus. Was cramping pretty badly, two big glasses of water didn't help so I went to potassium sources.

9:00 PM
Gym: triceps, abs, and chest

11:00 PM
1 big square

Ab wheel: 3x10
Lying db flies: 4x10@65s
Tricep extension machine: 4x10@60s

uh, idk, it's been a blur but something like

7:30 AM
bigass bowl of frosted mini wheats

8:00 PM
tons of Mexican food, and some non diet soda because I had a ridic amount of caffeine and screw tap water. Probably over 2,000 calories on the day, definitely not horrible.

Sunday, July 14, 2013


12:30 AM
two cans of root beer, like 300 calories?

2:00 AM
bigass bowl of frosted mini wheats with nonfat milk

12:30 PM
ECF stack

3:00 PM
1 square

Saturday, July 13, 2013


1:00 AM
.5 square

11:00 AM
ECF Stack

1:00 PM
1 square

4:30 PM
ECF stack

Friday, July 12, 2013


2:00 AM
1 square

5:00 PM
1 square

8:00 PM
ECF stack

Gym: deltoids
Front raises 4x10@15s
Side raises 2x10@12.5s, 2x10@10s

Thursday, July 11, 2013


12:30 AM
1 square

2:00 PM
ECF stack

6:00 PM
ECF stack

6:30 PM

8:00 PM
1 square

Cardio: 20 minutes, 1.1% incline, 3.9 mph, final heart rate 150 on the nose.
Lying DB fly: 2x10@35s, 2x10@30s
Tricep machine: 2x10@65s, 1x10@60s, 1x7@60s
Ab wheel: 4x10, on knees whole time

-Some RC pain after db flys
-failed on 4th set with tricep machine
-no WIM on the wheel to even try from feet
-forgot to do bench machine
Feeling pretty dead.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


12:00 PM
ECF stack

I did the pore concealer after doing some mint julip mask and wow does it sting, awesome. Will be doing this more often.
Biceps and lats wonderfully sore.

8:00 PM
a decent amount of lasagna that had no ricotta
1 liter of diet Pepsi

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


10:45 AM
ECF stack

3:30 PM
1 square.

4:30 PM
Couldn't make it in. Did neutral grip pull-ups at home. 8,8,8,5

7:30 PM
1 square

What a surprise, one of the coke-snorting morons who went off about ASPARTAME and THE DANGERS OF DIET SODA has no idea how to read the label on any type of drug or supplement. I mention the problem with banning PEDs is that it's hard to comfortably get quality test/HGH etc. and he says
"Huh? I get HGH and testosterone over the counter all the time."
"Uh, really? Wait, in Mexico?"(he travels)
"no BRO they have it at Walgreens."
"You mean you have a script for TRT?"
"What's TRT?"
"... Show me what you get."



Monday, July 8, 2013


Good day

10:00 AM
ECF stack

12:00 PM

3:00 PM
1 square

7:00 PM
1 square

.5 square

Gym: Leg day

20 minutes of cardio, 3.8 mph because f it. Final heart rate 143. 1.1% incline

4x10@65. lbs/side quad curl machine

3x10@100 lbs hamstring curl machine

3x10@90 seated calf raise

Sunday, July 7, 2013


Hanging out with some people judging me nonstop for having a diet soda, telling me how bad it is for me. (they had alcohol) went back to their place to hang and watched them snort $150 worth of coke.
I hate people. Jesus.

Saturday, July 6, 2013


1:00 PM ECF stack. 8.5 hours of sleep again, f yeah

2:00 PM 1 square. SO. GOOD.

5:30 PM 1 big square. Starving.

Friday, July 5, 2013


9:30 AM
ECF stack, 8.5 hours of sleep, felt great.

3:30 PM
Weighed in at 184.7. lol_water_weight but still was cool as hell to see. To give you an idea, last night I couldn't sleep because my legs were cramping so badly. I drank about 5 ounces of diet soda, and this morning probably had another ounce to take my stack. I was out and about in the heat before the weigh-in, too. I'll weigh myself after the gym and probably see 187-188.

4:30 PM
This is a weightlifting log? No phone, no headphones, still did cardio but only 11 minutes. Probably for the best because I felt pretty sick up until 8 PM or so.

Delts and abs

Incline 1.1%, 4.3 mph, 11 minutes, heart rate: 163 or something

Front raise: 3x10@15 lbs.
Side raise: 3x10 @12.5 lbs.
Face pulls: 3x10@all the weight. The machine stops at 95 lbs so I stacked three of those adder plates on and ripped that shit like a beast.

Ab wheel: 2x10, my abs were going in to spasms afterwards so I ditched the third set.
Weighed in at 187.8 after hydrating

8:00 PM
One big square, god damn I missed this. So good.

Thursday, July 4, 2013


5:40 AM
Wake up. Around 6 hours of sleep, maybe a touch less.

Went on a date last night, or the night before. idk. After the date she texts me and asks if I wear mascara. Obviously I lie and say no, and I think she bought it. Said I have very long eyelashes. I'm going to try wiping the mascara brush on toilet paper first to really pull almost everything off. Also, I still need an eyelash comb, really the best way to remove clumps.

8:00 AM
ECF stack

2:00 PM
1 square 1 ECF stack
gym closed!

10:00 PM
McDonald's is out of grilled chicken? Are you fucking kidding?
1500 calories of McD, 2x double quarter pounder

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


1:00 AM
One square

10:00 AM
ECF stack

3:00 PM
ECF stack

8:00 PM
1 sausage link

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


1:30 PM
    1 Square, ECF stack

10:00 PM
   Chicken fajita, like no sour cream, def no disgusting guac. Not bad really.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Beast Mode Enabled

Beast mode enabled

1:30 AM
    1 square

11:00 AM
   ECF stack. Gotta say that going on EC, and then coming off makes me sleep better than ever before, probably because I'm only getting 5-6 hours on average.

1 square, ECF stack
Car trouble, can't get to the gym, FML!