2:00 AM
1 square
8:00 AM
ECF stack
Man, I got 4.5 hours of sleep last night, AGAIN. Going to to shoot for yesterday's workout(bicep/back) and today's(delts) with some ab and cardio work thrown in.
2:00 PM
ECF stack
5:00 PM
7:00 PM
McDonald's grilled chicken sandwiches, 1 club, 1 ranch BLT. Really not bad at all.
950 calories
300 calories from fat(32%)
344 from carbs(36%)
306 from protein(32%)
11:30 PM
280 calories worth of Chunky Soup. aka 2 cans. aka lol ripoff. Still, can't beat no effort.
Cardio, biceps, back, deltoids
No headphones
3 min, 3.3% incline 4.8 mph, 176bpm
Lol wow
Pullups : 9,9,4
Reverse db curl: 2x10@20s
I feel like puking so badly.
Deltoid front raises 2x10@15s
Side raises: 2x10@10s
The end.
Seems like working out on no sleep, no food, no water, and a decent amount of uppers is probably not a great idea.
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