Friday, July 5, 2013


9:30 AM
ECF stack, 8.5 hours of sleep, felt great.

3:30 PM
Weighed in at 184.7. lol_water_weight but still was cool as hell to see. To give you an idea, last night I couldn't sleep because my legs were cramping so badly. I drank about 5 ounces of diet soda, and this morning probably had another ounce to take my stack. I was out and about in the heat before the weigh-in, too. I'll weigh myself after the gym and probably see 187-188.

4:30 PM
This is a weightlifting log? No phone, no headphones, still did cardio but only 11 minutes. Probably for the best because I felt pretty sick up until 8 PM or so.

Delts and abs

Incline 1.1%, 4.3 mph, 11 minutes, heart rate: 163 or something

Front raise: 3x10@15 lbs.
Side raise: 3x10 @12.5 lbs.
Face pulls: 3x10@all the weight. The machine stops at 95 lbs so I stacked three of those adder plates on and ripped that shit like a beast.

Ab wheel: 2x10, my abs were going in to spasms afterwards so I ditched the third set.
Weighed in at 187.8 after hydrating

8:00 PM
One big square, god damn I missed this. So good.

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