Sunday, June 23, 2013


    Hello, readers. I have started this blog to record my adventures with weightlifting and will be largely based around that. Moreso, though, this log is about aesthetics so you'll occasionally see things about skin care, hair care, and the like. I'm going to keep the focus on my body itself so things like fashion will not be written about.

    I was born with a hole in my heart which still affects me to this day. Occasionally my heart will beat irregularly, and during intense physical activity(like sex) my heart will beat so hard I feel like it's going to explode out of my chest. I know from past experiences that regular cardio completely fixed this, so I'll be adding some of that to my routine.

    My goal with all of this is to be the best sexual partner I can be, and I will be doing what it takes  to be more attractive and better at sex. I am currently lifetime natural but I think when I get lean enough that will change. I'm not sure. If you'd like to write to me about gear, that's fine, I will NEVER out anyone who doesn't want to be. Please keep all comments at least reasonably-well written.

    What else: My diet consists mostly of chicken breast, broccoli, spinach, Good Seasons dressing packets with more vinegar and water, and less olive oil(about half the oil) and bottled water. My tap water is awful here so I won't be consuming it. I'm definitely not against diet soda or anything, but water is just fine and it's cheaper and better for my teeth than diet soda.

Some stats about me:
 I can do 11 slow, deadhang pullups(palms away) to full lockout. I started out with Rippetoe's Starting Strength which I am very thankful for, unfortunately squatting was very hard on my knees  even though everyone said my form was fine when I posted videos on YouTube. I am probably done squatting forever, so if you're a diehard powerlifter, this log will not be something you're interested in.
My best numbers were
Standing overhead press with zero BS cheating: 165x5
Deadlift: 5x1@340lbs
Squat: 265x5
Bench: 245x5
Weight: 190 lbs
Height: 5'10.5"
Age: 27

My squat was seriously hindered by the pain it gave me, hence the relatively low number.

None of this is me bragging, I'm just establishing a baseline, this log will be very data intensive.

I am now doing a 4-day split. Legs, push, pull, abs. I'll be adding abs and traps whenever I feel like it, probably twice a week.


  • ECF stack: 25mg Ephedrine Sulfate + 200mg Caffeine + 1200mg fish oil
  • Square: A meal. a mixture of brown rice(1/5th cup raw), steamed broccoli(130g frozen) and chicken breast(260g worth), with homemade light Italian dressing drizzled over it. About 600 calories and 56g protein
  • Dressing: Good season packet, 5 oz vinegar, 2 oz EVOO California Olive Ranch, 1 oz water

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